Malawi Blue Zircon

Color depth and saturation comparison

Blue Zircon from Malawi

What makes zircon from Malawi so special?

Let’s check out all the things about Blue Zircon from Malawi that makes it “One-of-a-Kind”

1. Zircon from Malawi is the only known zircon that holds its color under ultra violet lighting, as tested by GIA; ref: Renfro, Nathen. Winter 2021. ‘Blue Zircon Reportedly from Malawi’.  Gems and Gemology, The Quarterly Journal of the Gemological Institute of America. Volume 57, No. 4:Carlsbad, CA. 

2. Blue zircon, a great gemstone, has the highest brilliance among all the blue-colored stones.

3. Zircon is doubly refractive. Double refraction is when the light enters through the pavilion, hits the facets and splits into two rays. These rays of light then bounce back, hitting your eyes with twice the sparkle of other gemstones, even more brilliant than diamonds. That’s the secret of blue zircons. Their extra sparkle makes them like a blue diamond.                         

4. Phoenix Gems is the only known company to have the correct heating formula to treat this rough material and create the lasting Malawi brilliant, Color True Blue. 

5. Most blue zircon cut from other locations usually requires a very deep cut to maximize their color. A Malawi Blue Zircon has a precision cut and maintains a deeper blue saturation.  Example in photo’s below.  Zircon is known as a semi-precious gemstone with the Mohn’s hardness of 7 to 7.5.

Malawi Blue is Color True™!!! 

  It’s the envy of all other zircons!!!

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